Jiao Yulu's Spirit / 焦裕禄精神




  Jiao Yulu's spirit

  1962 年,兰考县遭受严重的自然灾害,县委书记焦裕禄带领全县干部群众向自然灾害展开斗争,奋力改变兰考贫困面貌,1964 年积劳成疾病逝。焦裕禄精神的内涵是亲民爱民、艰苦奋斗、科学求实、迎难而上、无私奉献。

  In 1962, Lankao county was hit hard by natural disasters. Jiao Yulu, the then county mayor, rallied people together to rise to challenges, endeavoring to alleviate poverty in the county. He broke down and died from constant overwork in 1964. The essence of Jiao Yulu's spirit is to be affectionate towards the people, and to work hard, take a science-based approach to addressing concerns, face challenges head on and make dedication selflessly.


Paulownia trees, the planting of which was encouraged by Jiao Yulu, has become a pillar for the local economy as musical instrument made from it has grown to be a distinctive business.

编辑:Zhao Hanqing

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