Spirit of Dabie Mountains / 大别山精神




  Spirit of Dabie Mountains

  1927 年至 1949 年,以大别山为中心的鄂豫皖三省交界地区,由中国共产党及其领导的武装力量和革命群众,用鲜血和生命创造了“28 年红旗不倒”的传奇,孕育了“坚守信念、胸怀全局、团结一心、勇当前锋”的大别山精神。

  From 1927 to 1949, the armed forces and revolutionaries led by the CPC in and around Dabie Mountains in the border areas of Hubei, Henan and Anhui province created the miracle of "held high the red flag for 28 years" with unshakable faith. The spirit of Dabie Mountains was thus created, promoting "stick to the faith, always see the big picture, unit as one and be courageous".

编辑:Zhao Hanqing

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