Zhengzhou, the Leader / 龙头高昂




  Zhengzhou, the Leader

  郑州与开封、新乡、焦作、许昌四市深度融合的郑州大都市区,以河南省 9.6% 的面积,集聚了河南近 20% 的人口和超过 30% 的经济总量,引领带动中原城市群向具有国际影响力的国家级城市群迈进。

 As Zhengzhou, Kaifeng, Xinxiang, Jiaozuo and Xuchang City grow to be deeply integrated, Zhengzhou Metropolitan Area, which takes up 9.6% area of Henan, has attracted nearly 20% of Henan's population and contributed to more than 30% of its GDP, propelling the Central China City Cluster forward to be a state level city cluster with international influence.


Zhengdong New District

洛阳位于河南西部,是国务院首批公布的历史文化名城和著名古都,中原城市群副中心城市, 也是中部地区重要的工业城市

Located in western Henan, Luoyang is among the first to be designated by the State Council as a renowned historical and cultural city and ancient capital. The important industrial city also serves as a sub-central city of the Central China City Cluster


A view of Keifeng City at night


Xuchnag, a city on the water

编辑:Zhao Hanqing

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