Broad Space / 广阔天地




  Broad Space

  河南在推动农业强、农村美、农民富上不断取得新成效,农业越来越成为有奔头的产业 , 农村越来越成为安居乐业的美丽家园 , 农民越来越成为有吸引力的职业。

  Henan has made continuous progress in developing agriculture, enhancing living environment in countrysides and increasing rural people's incomes. Agriculture shows exciting prospect, as rural areas become a beautiful homeland where people live and work in peace and contentment, and more people see the attraction of farming.


Tianpudawan village in Xinxian county, home to creators, has been selected as one of the third batch of Chinese traditional villages

确山小提琴,世界上 80% 以上中高端提琴出自河南

Violins made in Queshan county which produces over 80% of the world's middle and high-end violins


Taobao service station in Lushi County

编辑:Zhao Hanqing

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