Visit Henan, Explore China Episode III: China's Earliest White Porcelain Unearthed in Henan 《在河南,遇见China③|在河南,邂逅中国最早的白瓷》





  Visit Henan, Explore China Episode III: China's Earliest White Porcelain Unearthed in Henan


  Editor's note: In a letter replying to senior experts at the National Museum of China on July 8, 2022, President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, stressed firming up cultural confidence, preserving the fine accomplishments of Chinese civilization and using cultural relics to promote exchanges and mutual learning between civilizations. Henan, with the largest number of ancient kiln sites, has produced the most complete range of ceramic products in China. Generally speaking, the Henan-centered Chinese ceramic culture could be considered as one of the important cultural heritages nurtured by the Yellow River culture. Starting on August 2, we are launching the "Visit Henan, Explore China" series, featuring 6 short videos to help you catch a glimpse of wonderful Henan and brilliant Chinese civilization. Here is the third episode: China's Earliest White Porcelain Unearthed in Henan.


  In last episode, we learned the history of China's earliest porcelain –primitive porcelain. Today, let's explore the world of white porcelain.


A screenshot from the video above

  China's Wei, Jin, and Southern and Northern dynasties (220-589) witnessed the most frequent regime changes. Due to wars and conflicts, Henan's porcelain production was also hindered. However, in the Northern Dynasty (386-581), white porcelain appeared and exerted a great influence on the later porcelain.


A white porcelain of the Tang Dynasty. [Photo/]

  White porcelain appeared in the late Northern Dynasty, boasting a history of more than 1,500 years. Its appearance ended the dominant role of celadon porcelain played in China since the Shang Dynasty (16th-11th century BC). White porcelain wares unearthed from the tomb of Fan Cui of the Northern Qi Dynasty, are the earliest ones ever seen in today's China.


A white porcelain unearthed from Fan Cui's tomb. [Photo/]

  The picture above shows us a white porcelain of the Tang Dynasty (618-907), not only beautiful in shape, but also excellent in quality. Entirely covered in fine white glaze, it almost meets the standards of today's white porcelain.


A white porcelain of the Tang Dynasty. [Photo/]

  Henan has been able to produce high-quality white porcelain since the Northern Dynasty. Gongyi kiln and Xiangzhou kiln in Henan were famous nationwide at that time and had a lasting influence on the later porcelain firing techniques. During the Sui (581-618) and Tang dynasties, white porcelain wares produced by Xingyao kiln in Hebei province and Gongyi kiln in Henan province were the best. Not only was Gongyi kiln a best producer for white porcelains in Central Plains during the Tang Dynasty, but also the one producing royal white porcelain during the Kaiyuan period (713-741) of the Tang.





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