Confucius Institute at San Francisco State University


来源:San Francisco State University

  Confucius Institute at San Francisco State University

  CISFSU Hosted Multiple Events to Celebrate Spring Festival

  To celebrate 2017 Chinese Spring Festival, Confucius Institute at San Francisco State University hosted 3 great events in and out of SF State campus in the last week of January.

  Jan. 25, 2017Chinese Spring Festival Celebration was co-hosted by Confucius Institute at SF State and Office of International Programs at Faculty Commons (Library 286, SF State), featuring Confucius Institute Series Lecture - Traditional Chinese Medicine Benefits toward Optimal Health – by Ms. Yulin Xu, President and CEO of Olixus Inc., Dr. Hongji Zhong and Dr. Liling Gao from American Association of Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture. Tony Little, Chief of Staff of Office of Vice President Luoluo Hong, Student Affairs and Enrollment Management, Hildy Heath, Director of OIP, and David Wong, Assistant Superintendent of San Francisco Unified School District attended this grand celebration and joined the Confucius Institute to welcome participants from across campus and community, delivering best wishes for a happy Chinese New Year. This lecture aroused all the participants’ curiosity to learn more about Traditional Chinese Medicine and Chinese culture. All participating faculty, staff and students appreciated Confucius Institute for organizing such a meaningful event to celebrate the Year of Rooster. OIP and CI at SF State would like to continue cooperation in co-hosting more activities for better serving campus community.

  Jan. 27, 2017The Confucius Institute at SF State jointly hosted a marvelous “Wulin Hanyun” – Chinese Martial Arts and Culture Performance at Western Sierra Collegiate Academy, Rocklin, California. This is an annual Confucius Institute Cultural Troupe sponsored by Hanban/Confucius Institute Headquarters, presented by Education Department of Henan Province and Shaolin Wushu Base for Chinese Language International. Over 700 students, parents, teachers and community friends joined us with guest performers from Henan celebrating the Spring Festival of Year of the Rooster. When interacting with MCs, local students eagerly answered questions by speaking out correct Chinese characters for the animals, showcasing their strong motivation and passion for learning Chinese language and culture and using. They all enjoyed the Kong-Fu show by the young masters from Henan Youth Art Troupe, and felt extremely excited when the professors from Henan University, Zhengzhou University, and Henan Normal University played American music with traditional Chinese musical instruments.

  Jan. 28, 2017To celebrate traditional Chinese Spring Festival on campus, all faculty, staff and assistants from Confucius Institute at SF State joined Chinese Students & Scholars Association for this co-hosted Spring Festival Celebration. Jiaxin Xie, Director of Confucius Institute expressed holiday greetings and best wishes for a Happy and Healthy Year of Rooster. Everyone was exciting tasting Chinese food after enjoying impressive performance by students from SF State, USF, CCSF and SMCC in the warm atmosphere. The whole celebration event came to an enjoyable closure when a happy FAMILY PHOTO of Chinese students and CI members was taken.

  Confucius Institute at San Francisco State University



  图片一 中医讲座


  图片二 中医互动问答



  演出结束后,现场的观众们难掩激动与兴奋,特地来到后台与演出成员们交流、合影,西塞拉学校孔子课堂的学生们还特地准备了小礼物,感谢演出团在大年三十这个合家团聚的日子不远万里来到这里为他们带来如此惊艳的演出!此次武术表演让不少不了解中国的人与中国文化亲密邂逅,推动了中国传统文化的传播,也调动并加深了当地学生学习中文的 兴趣,相信未来会有更多人学习中国武术、了解中国文化!



