



  代表作1:Special Coverage on Party Congress | Episode I: The Jiahu Site & The Peiligang Site

  百年现代考古学·河南当惊世界殊 | 系列①:河南舞阳贾湖遗址 河南新郑裴李岗遗址



  Henan province has 14 items listed among the recent-concluded selection of "China's 100 Major Archaeological Discoveries in Last 100 Years", ranking 1st nationwide.


  As the 11th Party Congress of Henan Province approaches, we are launching the Archaeological Discovery in Henan: A Marvel in the World series featuring 7 bilingual stories about Henan's 14 items in "China's 100 Major Archaeological Discoveries in Last 100 Years" to demonstrate Henan's long history and rich culture.


  Here is the 1st episode: The Jiahu Site & The Peiligang Site.

  今日推出第①期:《河南舞阳贾湖遗址 河南新郑裴李岗遗址》。

  Located in Jiahu village, 1.5 kilometers southwest of Beiwudu town, Wuyang county, Henan province, the well-preserved Jiahu Site covering an area of 55 thousand square meters is rich in cultural remains, which dates back to some 7,500 to 9,000 years ago.


  Beside the earliest "liquor" in the world, the world's earliest and best-preserved musical instrument, namely bone flute, is another important discovery at the Jiahu Site, which changed the music history in the world and refuted the sayings that "Chinese flute comes from the Western countries" and "7-note scale comes from abroad".


  As the earliest Neolithic cultural remains found in the Huaihe River basin, the Jiahu Site connects the Neolithic cultures of the middle reaches of the Yellow River and those of the middle and lower reaches of the Huaihe River, reflecting the colorful life of the ancient Chinese people living in the upper reaches of the Huaihe River some 8,000 to 9,000 years ago.


  Located in the west of Peiligang village, about 8 kilometers northwest of Xinzheng city, Henan province, the Peiligang Site is a major historical and cultural site protected at the national level in China. Dating back to some 8,000 years ago, the Peiligang Culture was named after the Peiligang Site, about 1,000 years earlier than the Yangshao Culture (dating back to 7,000 years ago).


  More than 400 cultural relics were discovered at the Peiligang Site, including stone tools, pottery wares, bone implements, etc., highlighted by stone sickles with saw teeth, stone spades with a blade at both ends, stone querns and rollers.


  The discovery of the Peiligang Site not only filled the historical gap in the early Neolithic Age before the Yangshao Culture, but also provided physical evidence for further study of the Chinese civilization.


  代表作2:Special Coverage on Party Congress | Episode III: The Shuanghuaishu Site & The Erlitou Site

  百年现代考古学·河南当惊世界殊 | 系列③:河南巩义双槐树遗址 河南偃师二里头遗址



  Henan province has 14 items listed among the recent-concluded selection of "China's 100 Major Archaeological Discoveries in Last 100 Years", ranking 1st nationwide.


  As the 11th Party Congress of Henan Province approaches, we are launching the Archaeological Discovery in Henan: A Marvel in the World series featuring 7 bilingual stories about Henan's 14 items in "China's 100 Major Archaeological Discoveries in Last 100 Years" to demonstrate Henan's long history and rich culture.


  Here is the 3rd episode: The Shuanghuaishu Site & The Erlitou Site.

  今日推出第③期:《河南巩义双槐树遗址 河南偃师二里头遗址》。

  Unveiled in the south of Shuanghuaishu village in the township of Heluo, the Shuanghuaishu Site is located on the eastern edge of the Loess Plateau, with the Yellow River 2 kilometers to its north and the Yiluo River 4 kilometers to its west. Recognized as the embryo of early Chinese civilization by experts and scholars, the ancient "Heluo Kingdom" dating back to around 5,300 years ago was discovered at the Shuanghuaishu Site, which provided key proof of the origin of Chinese civilization.


  The remains of three ring trenches, large building complex, large-scale residential compounds in the center, walls with the earliest Wengcheng (enclosure for defense outside a city gate) structure, 4 rigidly planned public graveyards and terraces for religious sacrifices from the middle and late stage of Yangshao Culture were found at the site.


  According to Sun Yingmin, head of Henan Provincial Society of Cultural Heritage and Archaeology, judging from the existing remains, the palatial structures of the ancient "Heluo Kingdom" has directly influenced the layout design of the capitals during the Xia and Shang dynasties, such as the Taosi Site in Shanxi's Linfen city and the Erlitou Site in Henan's Luoyang city, and can be considered as the origin of ancient capital regulations.


  The Shuanghuaishu Site was a "huge settlement" during the period from the mid and late stage of Yangshao Culture to the early Longshan Culture. It was the highest-level political and cultural center and the only large-scale townsite of its time ever found along the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River.


  Dating back some 3,500 or 3,800 years, the Erlitou Site is one of the first six major sites of the Project for Tracing Chinese Civilization Origins in China.


  Verified by archaeology and historical philology, Erlitou was not only the site of China's earliest capital, but also the largest one in the Xia Dynasty. The Erlitou culture, represented by the Erlitou Site, was the earliest "core culture" in China and all over East Asia. Known as the "earliest China", Erlitou was the earliest sovereign state covering a broad area and established itself as the core and leader of the forming process of Chinese civilization.


  For Zhao Haitao, who currently heads the archaeological team, the crisscross roads in the central area of the Erlitou Site are of the highest value and importance to the study on the Erlitou Site as the capital city of the Xia Dynasty. The layers of hard loess on the roads are often preferred by archaeologists because of their value of proof.


  According to Zhao, there are at least 4 roads (2 vertical roads and 2 horizontal ones) in the central area of the Erlitou Site, each measuring 10-20 meters in width. The crisscross roads divide the ancient capital city into many square and regular grids with different functions, forming a multigrid layout.


  The Erlitou Site is of great value to major research projects including the origin of Chinese civilization, the rise of state, the origin of cities, the construction of capitals and the customization of royal palaces.


  代表作3:Special Coverage on Party Congress | Episode VII: The Capital Site of China's Sui-Tang Period in Luoyang & The Tombs of the Song Dynasty in Xuchang

  百年现代考古学·河南当惊世界殊 | 系列⑦:河南隋唐洛阳城遗址 河南许昌白沙宋墓



  Henan province has 14 items listed among the recent-concluded selection of "China's 100 Major Archaeological Discoveries in Last 100 Years", ranking 1st nationwide.


  During the 11th Party Congress of Henan Province, we are launching the Archaeological Discovery in Henan: A Marvel in the World series featuring 7 bilingual stories about Henan's 14 items in "China's 100 Major Archaeological Discoveries in Last 100 Years" to demonstrate Henan's long history and rich culture.


  Here is the last episode: The Capital Site of China's Sui-Tang Period in Luoyang & The Tombs of the Song Dynasty in Xuchang.

  今日推出第⑦期:《河南隋唐洛阳城遗址 河南许昌白沙宋墓》。

  The Capital Site of China's Sui-Tang Period in Luoyang


  The Capital Site of China's Sui-Tang Period is located in Chanhehuizu district of Luoyang city, Henan province, once serving as the capital of the Sui and Tang dynasties.


  Dating back to more than 1,400 years ago, the Capital Site of China's Sui-Tang Period in Luoyang lies on both sides of the Luohe River and covers an area of about 47 square kilometers, with Tangsimen village of Baimasi town to its northeast, Chengjiao village of Lilou town to its southeast, Miaowan village of Mangshan town to its northwest and the intersection of Wangcheng Avenue and Gucheng Road to its southwest.


  The capital was first built in 605 AD or the first year of Daye of Emperor Yangdi of the Sui Dynasty. In 657 AD or the second year of Xianqing of Emperor Gaozong of the Tang Dynasty, Luoyang was also the capital, widely known as Dongdu. In 684 AD or the first year of Guangzhai of Emperor Ruizong of the Tang Dynasty, Dongdu was renamed as Shendu. In 690 AD or the first year of Wuzhou Period (established by Wu Zetian), Dongdu was renamed as Luoyang, while in 761 AD or the first year of Emperor Suzong of the Tang Dynasty, "Luoyang" was replaced by "Dongdu" again. In the late Tang Dynasty, the capital was destroyed in the war. The site remains today.


  The site was listed among Henan's major historical and cultural sites protected at the provincial level in 1963, while among China's major historical and cultural sites protected at the national level in 1988.


  The Tombs of the Song Dynasty in Xuchang


  Located in Baisha village of Xuchang city, Henan province, a total of 3 tombs were built for Zhao Daweng and his family in the late Northern Song Dynasty. The No. 1 tomb in which Zhao Daweng is buried has 2 rooms respectively at its front and rear, while the No. 2 and No. 3 tombs have 1 room. The No. 1 tomb, a brick-chambered tomb with imitation wood structure, has a 7.26-meter-long passage connecting the square-shaped front room and the hexagon-shaped rear room, to the north of which the No. 2 and No. 3 hexagon-shaped tombs are located. All these 3 tombs are brick-chambered tombs with imitation wood structures.


  Among all the brick-chambered tombs with imitation wood structures popular in China's central and northern regions in the late Northern Song Dynasty discovered so far, they are the best-preserved and most complex ones, providing important data for the study of such tombs at that time.



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